Guide for Guests

  • Clubhouse
    • Guests
      Members and their guests are requested to maintain the high standards expected at Westmoreland in and around the Clubhouse. Therefore, good taste and proper attire at all times in consideration of fellow members is a requirement.

      Visiting the Club
      Rules that relate to acceptable dress within the Clubhouse and adjacent areas (patios, pool, tennis), are to be interpreted as consistent with normal, top tier private country club standards of social acceptability, good taste and neatness. Members and guests are to be properly attired at all times, and be responsible for ensuring that children’s attire is equally presentable. Below are specific policies.

      Denim pants are permitted between Labor Day and Memorial Day on the lower level of the Clubhouse, (except for in the Dining Room) with the exception of certain club events (i.e. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentines, etc.). Wearing denim while on the upper level of the Clubhouse, including entering the Club at the front door, is prohibited. The breezeway will serve as the only entrance into the Bar and Grill areas if one is wearing denim. During this off-season, denim will also be allowed in the locker rooms and pro shop. Denim must be worn in a style fitting to a private country club standard. It must be in good taste, neat and not have holes or a distressed/tattered appearance. It should be worn with a proper shirt or sweater and shoes. Denim material shirts and skirts are acceptable attire. It is the responsibility of the member to inform guests of the dress code policies of the Club.
      Proper Golfing and Tennis Attire is allowed in the Clubhouse and Patios.

      Swimming Apparel is limited to the pool and coming directly to and from the pool via the parking areas, outdoor walkway, breezeway and clubhouse locker rooms; members and guests are requested to use a cover-up when walking to and from the pool.

      Hats (Men) are only allowed in the Locker Rooms, Outdoor Dining Areas and at the Pool. Bills must be worn forward (Men and Women).

      Cell Phone Usage
      Talking on cell phones is not permitted inside any building structure at Westmoreland (other than inside the phone booths in the front and lower lobbies). This includes, but is not limited to, the Clubhouse, Golf Shop, Tennis Shop, Bath House and Paddle House facilities. Cell phones should be placed on silent mode inside all building structures. The use of cell phones outside these structures is strongly discouraged.

  • Golf
    • Arrival
      Please follow the drive to the valet parking area, where your clubs and car will be retrieved and you will be directed to the locker room. If the Member host has notified us in advance, our Locker Room Manager, Oswaldo Rodriguez , will have a guest locker assigned for you. It is policy of the Club to have your golf shoes cleaned by our staff, before stepping on to the practice areas or first tee. Please provide your shoes to one of our locker room attendants.

      Proper golf attire is required for play; shirts are always to be tucked in and must have a collar (women are allowed collarless golf shirts and golf shirts/blouses designed to be not tucked); golf hat bills are to be worn forward; golf hats are prohibited in the clubhouse with the exception of the locker room; shoes and clothing should be changed in the locker room and not the parking lot. Males – golf shorts to be no shorter than 4 inches above the knee; Females – Bermuda length shorts, skirts and golf dresses no shorter than 4 inches above the knee.

      No denim is allowed anywhere on club property.

      Bathing attire is limited to coming directly to and from the pool area (a cover up is encouraged).

      Cell Phones
      As a general policy, cell phone usage is discouraged. Cell phone calls are allowed in the parking lot and in certain designated areas highlighted below.
      Clubhouse, Patios, Locker Rooms and Pool Deck: Phones are to be in silent mode. Talking on a cell phone is prohibited. However, if you must make a call, please limit this use to the locker rooms. For men, please find a quiet space at the end of a row of lockers where there are tables and chairs. For women, please find a quiet area within the locker room. When at the pool, please use the dressing rooms. Outgoing calls at the pool deck can be made from the Club's landline staff phone at the registration desk.

      Other than valet car parking attendants, caddies and locker room attendants, no other employees are allowed to accept a gratuity. Please check with your Member host as to what is or is not acceptable practice.

      Westmoreland is a walking course with a strong, traditional caddie program, and therefore, unless there is a medical reason, all Members and guests are required to use caddies when available. Members and guests should take the caddie evaluations seriously and provide constructive feedback to the caddies and caddie master. Caddies should be tipped according to job performance and the club professional, Member or caddie master can provide input as necessary.

      Care of Golf Course
      We request, when repairing ball marks and divots, that you use the Club’s complimentary repair tool. These plastic tools are available in the pro shop and starter’s desk.
      In addition to ball mark and divot repairs, and bunker raking, please do not drive golf carts within 30 feet of any green, 25 feet within any tee, or near practice areas and newly sodded or seeded areas.

      Pace of Play
      Play should not exceed 4 hours.
      Players must keep up with the group ahead and not just ahead of the game behind; any gap larger than the starting interval is a signal that players must conscientiously strive to increase pace of play. Golfers who play slowly should stand aside and signal faster players to play through; golfers riding in carts should not place unreasonable pressure on walking players ahead.

      Etiquette and tradition dictate that the player having the honor should be allowed to hit before the playing partner’s tee the ball. However, in the interest of maintaining the objective pace of play of 4 hours, players are encouraged to safely hit when ready even though they may not have the honor or are not away. On the tee, shorter hitters should be encouraged to hit first.
      Players should record scores on the tee of the following hole.

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